Cancun airplane tours is a company, operating flights and air tours in the Yucatan Peninsula 20 years ago since the year 2000. our priority has been the safety of our clients, always offering the best aircrafts with the strictest maintenance to offer the best tourist services to our clients, for this reason we have an excellent safety record throughout the time that we have offered services
Cancun airplane tours has continued with its flights and operations despite the health contingency since March 2020
During this covid-19 pandemic we were forced to face new challenges in health and prevention, since our clients are the most important thing for us.
For this reason, we are implementing all the sanitation measures that the authorities of the State of Quintana Roo indicate to us, that is why we apply a cleaning before and after each flight to seats, doors and any space with which our passengers have contact, With adequate sanitation, we apply antibacterial gel and the pilots take special care of themselves and passengers, using face masks at all times during the flight.
Why take a private plane tour instead of a bus?
Because we think that in these circumstances it is safer to take a private flight with your family or an air tour instead of going on a bus with more than 45 people on a shared tour for many hours in a day, almost double the time, 6 hours by plane vs 12 hours by bus
We are sure that we are the best option to enjoy the Mexican Caribbean and our beautiful ruins in a comfortable, fast and safe way.
For any additional information that you require to know regarding this matter, send us a request and we will gladly assist you.
Cancun airplane tours team